We want you to help us get the word out about the W4W Dual Head Twin Extension Cord.
Sign up to become a W4W Retail Brand-Ambassador for free, and present our products to businesses across America (small & large).
Earn a 10% commission for each new retailer that is referred by you and winds up making their first wholesale order!
Simple & Straight Forward Program
The program is simple. No games, No sneaky terms & conditions.
1. Sign up to become a W4W Retail Brand-Ambassador (it's free).
2. Present the W4W Twin Extension cord to a retailer near you.
3. If the retailer is interested in learning more, refer them to our sales team (using your referral ID).
4. If the retailer makes a wholesale purchase, you get paid 10% of the order amount + 5% on reorders for the next 12 months!
You are never required to put any money down.
W4W 💙's Retailers
New Opportunities With Each Product Launch!
We have plenty of products available & so many of them might be a perfect fit for your local retailers!
We'll be adding more products to the Retail Ambassador Program & early Ambassadors will get first pick!
Start earning today! Sign up to become a Retail Brand Ambassador.
Make 10% commission for every new referral + 5% on reorders for the next 12 months!
IT'S A NO BRAINER! Our Twin Extension Cord is perfect for all types of retailers!

Our Products Are Already In Big Box Retail.
W4W already has many products on the shelves of major big box retailers.
We need your help providing awareness to more retailers across the country!
Help Us On Our Mission & Get Paid!
You can review our Retail Brand-Ambassador Program full terms & conditions here.